May @ Hasson Associates

After all of the excitement of the election, and the many many blogs/articles/tweets from the industry to explain


The election brings out such mixed emotions in the market research industry and #ge2015 seems to have been the most

2014…where did it go?

This year has flown by, once again we are eating mince pies and singing along to really cheesy Christmas tunes and its

New Look, Same Team

It’s a funny thing, a logo, a brand, and a challenge to make it current and representative of the personality of the

Welcome Febe!

I am really pleased to announce that we have expanded our Project Operations team to include Febe Pritchard who joins

My One Year Anniversary

It is my one year anniversary here at Hasson Associates and so I thought it was about time I made a contribution to the

To app or not to app?

That was the question. There is so much conversation these days about what apps you have, what your apps can do and how

May, 2013

There was still no sunshine but plenty to talk about! As I write this blog the sun is streaming through the window and

CV Clinic

I’m approaching my 3rd year at Hasson Associates and one of my tasks is screening CVs on a daily basis. It therefore