Obstacles in today’s hiring process.

As companies navigate an evolving business landscape, recruitment processes are undergoing significant changes. Based on the feedback collected from various clients, a common theme has emerged: the current hiring environment is both challenging and unpredictable. This article highlights key challenges, strategies, and internal changes reported by our clients, providing a holistic view of how organisations are approaching recruitment in today’s market. More importantly, we’ll discuss how Hasson Associates Recruitment is on hand to support businesses in overcoming these hurdles.

Challenges in the Hiring Process:

Across the board, clients are experiencing hurdles in their recruitment processes. One of the primary issues identified is the increased volume of candidates, which, on the surface, should be an advantage. However, without dedicated human resources (HR) teams in place, companies are finding it difficult to manage the influx of CVs and applications. As one client explained:

“We are seeing more CVs and have more recruiters trying to join our roster, but without dedicated HR, managing recruitment has become a real challenge. While we have more choice, it’s taking longer to make hiring decisions.”

This delay in hiring is further complicated by a directive from many head offices to cut costs, with clients being asked not to use recruitment agencies. This forces in-house teams to juggle their day-to-day responsibilities alongside recruitment tasks, creating additional strain and slowing the hiring process even further.

Many companies are turning to LinkedIn (LI) for recruitment advertising, lured by its promise of reaching a wide audience of professionals. However, many are finding that the results are often far from ideal. The reliance on LI’s broad reach is resulting in a flood of irrelevant CVs, overwhelming hiring teams and diverting resources away from more qualified candidates.

The issue is exacerbated by the fact that LinkedIn’s algorithms often prioritise visibility over relevance. This means companies are seeing a high volume of applicants, but many of these candidates lack the specific skills or experience necessary for the role. The time and effort required to sift through these applications is creating frustration among hiring managers, counteracting the very cost-saving benefits that prompted the move to LI in the first place.

Job Market Impact on Hiring Strategy:

The current economic instability is another factor significantly impacting hiring strategies. A large number of clients report a cautious approach to hiring, with many halting recruitment altogether. Uncertainty in the market has led to frozen hiring budgets, stretching internal resources and making it difficult to plan for future staffing needs. One client shared:

“We aren’t hiring at the moment due to an unstable marketplace. Our resources are stretched, and we’re unsure how to plan ahead given the uncertainty. We don’t even have a budget for contractors.”

This trend is common across industries, with organisations opting to make do with their existing teams until there is more clarity on the economic outlook. While this strategy may save costs in the short term, it leaves companies vulnerable to resource shortages, particularly in periods of sudden growth or increased demand.

Alignment with Long-Term Goals:

Despite these immediate obstacles, clients remain focused on their long-term goals, particularly in building efficient and highly skilled teams. However, achieving this vision has become increasingly difficult in the current climate. Many clients report that while they aim to maintain a high standard in their recruitment processes, the lack of immediate resources and clarity about the future is delaying progress. One client stated their long-term goal as:

“We want to have an efficient team, but it’s difficult to stay on track with this goal when we can’t even hire right now. We’re hoping the market stabilises soon so we can get back on track.”

The key takeaway here is that while long-term objectives remain unchanged, the path to achieving them has become more complex, requiring organisations to adapt their short-term strategies.

Internal Changes Affecting Recruitment Priorities:

Internal policies and changes are also impacting recruitment decisions. Several clients have reported being directed not to use recruitment agencies to save on costs, which adds pressure to their internal teams. The responsibility for hiring now falls on in-house staff, many of whom are already managing significant workloads. This shift has led to delays in filling positions and has forced companies to reprioritise their recruitment efforts. One client summed up the challenge:

“We’ve been asked not to use agencies, so we’re trying to fit recruitment into our day jobs. It’s a struggle to keep up with both operational duties and the hiring process.”

This dual responsibility is stretching teams thin and forcing businesses to delay key hires, even when they urgently need new talent.

How Hasson Associates Recruitment Can Support:

At Hasson Associates, we understand the intricacies and pressures that come with today’s recruitment barriers. Our mission is to alleviate these burdens by offering tailored recruitment solutions designed to fit your unique business needs. Here’s how we can help:

  • Expert Recruitment Services Without Added Burden: For companies without dedicated HR departments or those under pressure to manage recruitment internally, we offer a flexible and streamlined service. We handle everything from initial candidate screening to final onboarding, allowing your team to focus on core business functions.
  • Access to a Pool of Pre-Screened Talent: We maintain a wide network of pre-screened candidates, ensuring you can access high-quality talent without the delay of sifting through countless CVs. This speeds up your hiring process and helps reduce the workload on internal teams.
  • Adapting to Market Conditions: In uncertain times, it’s crucial to remain agile. We work closely with businesses to adjust recruitment strategies based on current market trends and economic conditions. Whether you’re slowing down hiring or preparing for rapid growth, Hasson Associates can provide insights and support for every stage of the process.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: While head offices may recommend reducing costs by avoiding recruitment agencies, we offer cost-effective solutions that provide measurable value. By managing recruitment efficiently, we save your business time, prevent costly hiring mistakes, and ultimately reduce operational strain.
  • Long-Term Partnership: Our approach isn’t just about filling vacancies. We focus on building long-term partnerships, ensuring that the talent we help you bring onboard aligns with your long-term goals for growth and efficiency.


The insights shared by our clients paint a clear picture of the current recruitment landscape: it’s a difficult balancing act between managing internal resources, adapting to market instability, and striving to achieve long-term goals. Despite these challenges, companies don’t have to navigate the complexities of recruitment alone.

Hasson Associates Recruitment is here to help businesses streamline their hiring processes, find the best talent quickly, and support long-term success. Whether you’re dealing with limited budgets, time constraints, or an uncertain market, we provide the expertise and tools to make recruitment easier and more effective.

We are your partner in navigating these uncertain times and ensuring that, when the time is right, your team has the talent it needs to thrive.